our vision for mathematics


Children are natural mathematicians! Long before they start school, they are engaging with the world in mathematical ways, from counting and sorting objects, to noticing patterns, and even dividing a treat fairly among friends.

At Crompton Primary we have a passion for Mathematics and strive to nurture a fascination with the subject.

We provide an environment in which an understanding of mathematics is acquired through a process of enquiry and experiment, with an emphasis on ‘have a go’ mentality without fear of failure.  It is our intention that all pupils build both competence and confidence in mathematics knowledge and also its concepts and the necessary skills.

We place great emphasis upon solving problems with mental arithmetic and always consider which method ( mental, jotting or formal written) is the most efficient, as well as effective. We include in every lesson a carefully planned mental arithmetic practise session; and time to count, teach , apply key skills and knowledege.

We provide lots of opportunities for children to explain , how they know and explain their mathematical thinking.

We actively encourage the application of mathematics across the curriculum, we seek out opportunities for pupils to apply mathematics in real life contexts.

Mathematics Curriculum Rationale

At Crompton Primary, we are all mathematicians! We want our pupils to think and act like mathematicians. We want them to have no limits to what their ambitions are and grow up wanting to be accountants, doctors, engineers, computer programmers or teachers.   The mathematics curriculum has been carefully designed so that our pupils develop their mathematical knowledge and understanding. We want all our pupils to remember their learning in mathematics in our school, to cherish these experiences and embrace the opportunities they are presented with.


Curriculum Intent

The mathematics curriculum promotes the three dimensional competencies of fluency, reasoning and problem solving. We promote a love and thirst for learning and curiosity about the nature of mathematics and its necessity to everyday life. It is ambitious and empowers our pupils to become independent and resilient.
We want to equip pupils with ambition beyond the minimum statutory requirements of the mathematics National Curriculum and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. The curriculum is meticulously planned with the intention to address social disadvantage and ensure that all pupils - including those with SEND - have an opportunity to engage with a challenging curriculum and achieve success. Any gaps in pupils’ knowledge are quickly identified and addressed to ensure that pupils are supported to meet the ambitious intended end points of the curriculum in mathematics.
The mathematics curriculum is focused upon the development of declarative, procedural and conditional knowledge. Disciplinary rigour provides the platform for an interplay between the different aspects of knowledge to ensure pupil proficiency and success. Mathematics is progressively sequenced to ensure that pupils gain appreciation of the key foundational knowledge and concepts. This supports pupils to develop automaticity with number facts and be able to use and explain the methods required for efficient and accurate calculation.  Through problem solving work, pupils learn the discipline of the subject and apply their knowledge, concepts and skills to think and work mathematically and as a mathematician. We seek to develop the application of mathematical knowledge and skills through a range of cross-curricular opportunities such as, developing an understanding of vocabulary, promoting speaking and listening when reasoning and data collection in science.
We want our pupils to use the vibrancy of our great town and wider city to learn from other cultures, respect diversity, co-operate with one another and appreciate what they have. We achieve this by providing a strong local contextual links where possible. For example, the curriculum offers a visit to the Museum of Science and Industry where learning is hands on and supports the application of mathematical knowledge in a fun and exciting experience building on the knowledge and concepts pupils have gained.
British Values and our core values placed at the heart of everything we do. This often feeds into the mathematics curriculum. Cultural capital development is addressed through mathematics workshops, online exploration, visitors to school and first-hand experiences. We enrich pupils’ time in our school with memorable, unforgettable experiences and provide opportunities to engender an appreciation of human development and achievement.


Curriculum Implementation

We effectively develop and invest in our teaching staff to ensure that they are fully equipped with expert subject knowledge in order to support the delivery of the exceptional mathematics curriculum. Teaching is highly effective for all pupils. Teachers present the curriculum content clearly through composites and component parts supported by maths mastery textbooks, which break the unit knowledge, concepts and skills down for each lesson in each year group.
The curriculum is delivered through a subject specific approach, which supports pupils to develop the key concepts and knowledge of the mathematics curriculum. Each lesson within a unit of work is carefully crafted and builds upon what has been previously taught from one year to the next.
Frequent audits of the mathematics curriculum take place. Following the findings from these audits, the mathematics curriculum is adapted to build upon the learning opportunities and assessment end points for each year group and ensures progression and repetition in terms of embedding key learning, knowledge and skills. 
Pupils take inspiration from mathematicians to support their mathematical understanding and determination to succeed. They explore and practice the knowledge, skills and disciplines involved in the unit and use their workbooks to record their learning and apply through problem solving and reasoning their mathematical knowledge and understanding to explain their findings. Each mathematical discipline and knowledge taught is revisited in each phase, at a progressively deeper level. All classes study subject unit specific vocabulary and this develops year on year.  
Mathematic subject specific characteristics, which we expect the pupils to demonstrate, have been developed and shared with all stakeholders. These characteristics underpin all work in mathematics and form a focal point for display areas and provide a common subject specific vocabulary for staff and pupils. These characteristics are to: 
  • Recall known number facts quickly and apply fluently in the different aspects of mathematics
  • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop an argument
  • justify or prove our thinking using mathematical language
  • solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of challenges
  • persevere in seeking solutions to problems
  • apply mathematical knowledge and understanding to a range of contexts
  • begin to understand how mathematics is an integral part of daily life
The teaching of the mathematics curriculum is planned and delivered to support pupils to transfer key knowledge into their long-term memory and therefore improve the progress they make. Essential vocabulary is identified within each lesson and unit of work to ensure that our pupils can discuss and evaluate the mathematics content effectively.
Whilst delivering the curriculum, teachers are constantly checking to ensure that pupils are learning the necessary knowledge and identifying and addressing misunderstandings. Assessment is used as a tool to support pupil learning.
The mathematics curriculum is research evidence informed in relation to the content, delivery and process of learning.

Curriculum Impact

We use both formative and summative assessment information in mathematics. Assessment informs learning to ensure that all pupils including disadvantage and those with SEND achieve highly and acquire the knowledge, skills and concepts they need to succeed in life. Staff use assessment information to inform their short-term planning and address misconceptions. This helps us provide the best possible support for all of our pupils. The end points for each phase have been carefully mapped out and further broken down. This means that the essential knowledge, skills and concepts in mathematics are progressive and build year on year.
Our well-constructed curriculum in mathematics leads to pupils’ successful learning. This is evidenced in the outcomes within workbooks and practical work produced. Pupils are well prepared for the next steps and stages of their learning due to the progressive and well-sequenced curriculum. As a result, pupils know more and remember more as they move through the mathematics curriculum at Crompton Primary School.

Mathematics Curriculum Documents 

  • National Curriculum Progression Document - White Rose Maths

    Open PDF
  • Crompton Primary - White Rose Maths Pathways

    Open File
  • Mathematics Vocabulary Progression

    Open File
  • Crompton Primary School - Mathematical Facts Progression

    Open PDF
  • Calculation Policy - Addition and Subtraction

    Open PDF
  • Calculation Policy - Multiplication and Division 

    Open PDF
  • National Curriculum Progression Document - White Rose Maths

  • Crompton Primary - White Rose Maths Pathways

  • Mathematics Vocabulary Progression

  • Crompton Primary School - Mathematical Facts Progression

  • Calculation Policy - Addition and Subtraction

  • Calculation Policy - Multiplication and Division 

We work very closely with our local Maths Hubs to develop all staff. The training we have received is invaluable. 

As a whole staff we have engaged in NCETM training to ensure children have wide opportunities to engage with the subject. 

We have chosen to use White Rose Maths as a basis for our mathematics curriculum.

We have lots of opportunities for Mathematics and reasoning outside of the school day: 

  • Forest School 
  • Cooking Club
  • Chess Club
  • TT Rockstars Club


At Crompton we expect children to understand how Mathematics permeates through everyday life. We have lots of opportunities to explore this: 

  • Working with Maths departments at the local Secondary School
  • Trips and visits to local businesses
  • Traffic Surveys 


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